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WEALTH DEFINITION:Wealth is defined as the difference between families gross assets and their liabilities.

Understanding the distribution and transfer of wealth amongst different races, ages and social economic classes are imperative to grasping the recalibration required to equalize the playing field for those who want to join the notorious 1% or simply close the enormity of the divide. 

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WEALTH STATISTICS BY RACE: From the board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 


An Average white family has an estimated eight times the wealth of an average black family and five times the wealth of a hispanic family. White families have the highest level of both individual and family wealth at $188,200 individually and $983,400 as a family respectively. Black and hispanic families have considerably less wealth than white families. Black families individual average is only 15% of that at $24,100 and $142,500 as a family average. Hispanic families wealth is $36,100 average individually and $165,000 respectively. Families of other ethnicities including: Asian, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and other races have lower wealth than White families but higher wealth than Black and Hispanic families.

Wealth Chart


A 2019 study found that over 97% of respondents vastly underestimated the huge gap between the median wealth held by Black families ($17,000) and White families ($171,000)—a ratio of 10 to one. Respondents estimated the gap to be 80 percentage points smaller than the actual divide.


  • The incarceration rate for Black Americans is falling, but is still nearly six times the rate for White Americans.

  • Non-Hispanic Black Americans have a life expectancy 3.6 years lower than non- Hispanic White Americans.

  • Black Americans are over twice as likely to live in poverty as White Americans.

  • Black children are three times as likely to live in poverty as White children.


Historically, the unemployment rate for Black Americans has been approximately twice the rate for Whites. That is the case today—6.0% for Black workers and 3.1% for Whites. During the majority of the past 50 years, Black Americans have experienced unemployment rates that, were they experienced by the entire population, would be seen as recessionary.

- Joint Economic committee, Congressman Don Beyer, Vice Chair 

WEALTH STATISTICS BY AGE & RACE: From the board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 


Within each age group, the  data indicates large differences in wealth across racial and ethnic groups. Even among young families who have had relatively little time to accumulate wealth, there are sizeable differences in wealth by race and ethnicity, most starkly between young Black and young White families. The median young Black family has almost no wealth ($600). In contrast, the median young White family has a wealth of $25,400. Young Hispanic and other families fall in between, with $11,200 and $13,500 in median wealth, respectively. 

In absolute terms, the gaps in median wealth between White and non-White families widen considerably at older ages. For example, amongst families under 35, White families have between $11,900 and $24,800 more in median wealth than Black, Hispanic, or other families. For families over age 55, the gaps widen to between $101,700 and $261,100. . With respect to the Black-White gap at middle and older ages, the median wealth of White families is four to six times greater than the median wealth of Black families. 


Intergenerational transfers, homeownership opportunities, access to tax sheltered savings plans, individual savings and investment decisions contribute to wealth accumulation and families financial security.


We now live in a time when the five largest white landowners in America own more agricultural land than all of black America, with all white families together owning 98 percent of the land. A recent study by the Institute for Policy Studies and the Corporation For Economic Development notes that it would take 228 years for the average black family to amass the same level of wealth the average white family holds today. - Antonio Moore, an attorney based in Los Angeles, Black Wealth in American Hardly exists for


Since the mid-2000s, black families, on average, have carried more student loan debt than white families. This is driven in large part by the growing share of black families that take on student debt. In 2016, 42 percent of families headed by black adults ages 25 to 55 had student loan debt, compared with 34 percent of similar white families.


In 2016, white families had about $130,000 more (or six times more) in average liquid retirement savings than black and Hispanic families. In sheer dollar terms, this disparity has increased more than fivefold over the past quarter-century: in 1989, white families had about $25,000 more (or five times more) in average retirement savings than black and Hispanic families. - Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated)


Although black Americans have an annual spending power of $1.2 trillion, their households only held a median of $11,000 of wealth in 2013, according to federal data. What’s even more disturbing is that by 2053, the median wealth for black families will fall to zero. - Brittney Oliver How Black Millennials Can Finally Close The Racial Wealth Gap


Almost 70 percent of NFL players , and 74.2 percent of NBA players are black and yet Sports Illustrated once estimated that 78 percent of NFL players are either bankrupt or under financial stress within two years of retirement and 60 percent of NBA players are broke within five years of leaving the sport. - WIKIPEDIA.ORG


  • Black people have been accumulating money for quite some time. Some just one generation from slavery. The first female millionaire of any ethnicity was actually a Black woman.


  • Robert Smith, a black venture capitalist made the cover of Forbes last year for being the wealthiest African American in the country, with a net worth of over $5 Billion currently. He’s also the first African American to accumulate a billion dollar fortune outside of sports and entertainment. Smith also recently made headlines for a charitable donation he made to cover tuition for graduates at the HBCU, Moorehouse College

  • There are 6 Black Billionaries 


In addition to direct transfers or gifts, families can make investments in their children that directly and  indirectly increase their wealth. For example, families can invest in their children's education by paying for college or private schools, which can increase their children's ability to accumulate wealth. For these reasons, wealth (or a lack thereof) can persist across generations and reflect, among other factors, a legacy of discrimination or unequal treatment in housing, education, and labor markets.


One reason wealth-holding is relatively high among White families is they are considerably more likely to have received an inheritance or gift. Another reason is White families report other indicators associated with higher levels of family support  For example, nearly 30 percent of White families report having received an inheritance or gift, compared to about 10 percent of Black families, 7 percent of Hispanic families, and 18 percent of other families. Conditional upon receiving an inheritance or gift, White families also tend to receive larger inheritances. - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve 


One of the most common ways to leave an inheritance and thus transfer wealth to loved ones or children is through Permanent Life insurance.

The above statistics are provided to illustrate the clear and excessive gap in the familial Wealth of different ethnic groups. Due largely to the inadequacy of information passed down generationally and equally affected by the mindset and practices employed to maintain said Wealth despite the generational transfer. Opportunity, racial bias, and other factors play a role as well, but nothing is more crippling to the equality in wealth distribution than the secrets kept by the Rich that up until now have been out of reach or unknown by the poor...and thus "The Wealth Archive" was created to bridge the gap of information between those that have and have always had and those that don't and never did.

The Wealth Archive

               The Wealth Archive is a subscription based financial empowerment depository and educational platform.

This Archive contains a treasure trove of knowledge and thus power that can be applied instantaneously to effect change in a person's life as well as their ability to generate Wealth for their families. The W/A in its current iteration is available as an extensive virtual course which provides next level Wealth generating mind-set recalibration and tangible steps that can massively increase the median families Wealth standing for now and future generations.





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